The world is a dangerous place and life always ends deadly.
“Memento mori”
Living in western society we have been fairly sheltered from many of the dangers and cruelties of the world around us. But throughout the pandemic and in light of recent events, there is a collective anxiety growing among us. This is the inevitable impact of any war and/or event of mass violence.
Feelings of anxiety, panic, and fear creep into our lives, into our thoughts and into our souls. We’re looking at these events unfolding, in shock and helpless, unable to “do something about it.” Humans watching other humans in pain, violence, and death breeds an enormous amount of fear and reaction within us.
Real threats to the peace and freedoms that many of us take for granted in the west are becoming more and more commonplace as we’re watching, transfixed, seeing the world as we know it, fall apart.
Is it not normal to be afraid in a situation like this?
Afraid for your loved ones, for your future, for your country?
Fear is a natural reaction to a situation like the one we’re witnessing right now. But we need to be very careful not to be consumed by it.
“Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.“ – Frank Herbert, Dune
Yes, fear as a reaction is natural – but at what cost?
Fear can render you unable to think clearly. It has the power to dampen your inner fire, and rob you of your passion and purpose.
Uncontrolled fear can completely imprison you.
To continue to function in times of inner and outer crisis you need to stay connected with your inner self. Preserving a strong foundation within yourself is essential. You NEED your inner fire, your passion to stay in control and to claim your power over your own life. This is survival.
In fearful times, your self-esteem is your armor, your protection. It keeps you in control and able to stay aware of your surroundings while NOT being consumed by them.
A person with healthy self-esteem has an appropriate understanding of life. To the challenges life throws at them. The unpredictable and the dangerous.
Are they afraid? Yes. But they are prepared to keep moving forward, past their fears. They can navigate through the challenges of life without being controlled by the panic of anxiety or by the darkness of depression.
Breaking the habit of fear and anxiety is complicated, and many people cannot do it without a mentor or a strong support system.
I’ve personally been down this road in my life many times, consumed by darkness, losing control of my life to fear and anxiety.
I’ve lost relationships, friends, money, career positions, everything. I’ve seen war and destruction. And I was able to pull myself through, continually growing stronger than before. Each loss was a lesson. And if I could do it, you can absolutely do it.
Sometimes the only way out of a situation is through it.
Many of us just need some guidance and the right tools to help us overpower the real life enemy of inner fear and anxiety. If you are ready for this journey, I can help.
Let’s work together.
Contact me at [email protected] with the subject line: FEEL DIFFERENT