Your Accountability is Your Power

Accountability is a loaded word for many people.

Assuming the person accountable is the person who will be blamed and at fault if things fail.

Better to not put yourself in this situation. Better to be free of responsibility and let other people take accountability. Then no one can blame you. You’re safe.

Keeping yourself unaccountable is a weak approach in any given situation.

It’s actually the worst approach you can take when it comes to your own life.

Your accountability is your power.

Commonly, it is the easy route to shift blame for any perceived negativity in your life onto other people and/or circumstances. It’s easy to blame the government, politicians, society, your job, your parents, your past… the list goes on.

And so here you are – stagnant and trapped in this life that you can’t control. And you can bet that nothing will change for a while, if ever. As a consequence, your situation won’t change and you might as well just give up. It’s just the way things are. It’s life.

If this is your philosophy, something you must know is that you are giving away the exact element of yourself that can actually change your life – your personal power!

Taking accountability for your life is a form of power.

Yes, accountability means you’ll be the one accountable for your mistakes, your bad decisions, your failures, and your behavior.

But it also means you are the one in control. You have the power to make changes for the better and to start creating the life you’d like to see for yourself. Your greatest self. This is in your control when you take accountability for your life.

Many people avoid themselves and run from their responsibilities out of fear, laziness, immaturity or a slew of other factors. In hiding, however, they fail to realize that this is their strength – their inner power that is essential to opening the path to their true potential.

For as long as you refuse to take accountability for your life, nothing will change.

You cannot change other people. And changing life’s circumstances is challenging, at best. But you can decide how you react to life. You can change yourself. This is what is in your control. And the more control you have over yourself, the more control you have over your life. This is the power of accountability.

Taking accountability for your life is the most powerful thing you can do. It is the way to reach a true peace within yourself, with your past, your present, and the future you create moving forward. This is what maturity is. It is what responsibility is. It is key to self mastery.

Accountability is fundamental to your life’s purpose because you must be real with yourself.

You are facing your life and the circumstances that come with it and saying: Yes, I am here. This is me. I accept this life as mine – all of it. And I am willing to do the work to make it my best.

As unpredictable and challenging as life can be, especially through our current times of uncertainty, hyper information, heightened stress and panic from the pandemic, there are still ways for each of us to take accountability for our lives.

If you struggle with any of the above, with anxiety, depression or other mental-health issues, accountability can be a breakthrough step to feeling different, and taking control of your life. Let us help.

To start, contact us now at [email protected] – Subject: ACCOUNTABILITY

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Orlando Owen, creator and founder of FEEL DIFFERENT

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