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The Vaccine vs. Individual Power

Do you sometimes feel like many common sense things that should be considered “normal” are now deemed abnormal in our society?

You’re not alone.

It is very normal to be mindfully concerned about your health. To be inquisitive, to research and discuss remedies, drugs, and vaccines before deciding what is best for you and your body – this is completely normal. It is, after all, YOUR body and YOUR health.

So why has this become so controversial?

Enter the Covid-19 vaccine debate.

Through our current times of constant questioning about what’s real information vs. disinformation vs. misinformation, many shared opinions are at risk of being considered to be dangerously controversial. Pertaining to the Covid-19 vaccine, any shared opinions and studies that question, or are not in full agreement with the mainstream ‘pro-vaccine’ narrative, are subject to censorship, and the person/people sharing may very possibly find themselves “canceled”, leaving zero room for debate or review.

This climate of aggressive groupthink and collective virtue signaling from those who have chosen to get vaxxed vs. those who haven’t, has created more of a peer-pressure pro-judgment culture than an informative one which has been pitting people against each other and keeping us divided. Some people withdraw into silence and self-censorship to avoid potential confrontation.

In some extreme cases, people are forced to make life pressuring decisions, i.e. get the vaccine or lose your job/career, lose the right to see your child, lose the right to visit family, lose friendships, and beyond.

And we’re all left wondering: what’s going to happen next?

What regulations will be enforced tomorrow?

If I’ve chosen not to get the vaccine, how long until I’m forced to make a life pressuring decision like the rest?

Where can I go? What will I do?

This pressure continues to build with each passing week while many people are living in constant fear of losing what’s dear to them.

The constant state of panic and uncertainty can very easily develop into serious anxiety and depression. The feeling of helplessness in a situation that is seemingly out of our control.

To evade this breadth of fear, you need an almost unshakable inner strength. You need to leverage your inner fire and passion as your power to fight it. Otherwise, you are subject to fall into a sea of deep desperation and complete fear.

These times we’re living in are not easy. There’s mass confusion and a plethora of information at our fingertips which is constantly changing. All the while, the social stigmas and political pressures of the pro-vaccine agenda are increasingly crowding over “normal” healthy people who are doing the work to think critically for themselves and their bodies.

However, this does not mean it is impossible for you to continue to live your life and thrive, regardless of these external pressures.

It can be done but it requires work. Deep inner work for many of us, a regimented practice. It requires you to be at one with your individual power, the power that’s in all of us. That inner spark, that inner strength that is fueled by self-purpose – this is your power. Once you have grounded yourself in this power, anything going on externally is secondary at best, and nothing is out of your manageability. All is within your control.

Are you ready to do the work? Contact us today to get started at [email protected]

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Denouncing Cancel Culture

Denouncing Cancel Culture,
For Your Health’s Sake

In today’s society it is becoming increasingly difficult to openly speak our minds, even among family and friends. This has become especially prominent throughout the pandemic.

More and more people are getting canceled on social media, banned from specific platforms and even losing their jobs and careers, merely because they chose to speak up in ways that may not fit into the current and “popular” narrative.

This has many of us conflicted, scared to speak our minds. The fear of getting ostracized is ever present. The very real threat of “just keep quiet, don’t question what’s going on, keep in line, or else…” is at the forefront of today’s social normalcy.

As a result, cancel culture is affecting us on a much deeper level than many of us may be aware of.

It starts on social media and/or mainstream media with public figures typically, then hits closer to home with friends or co-workers who may get their social accounts flagged or deleted for sharing information about politics – again, with an opinion that differs from the public narrative. This then becomes much more “real” as it spreads into our minds and psyches, limiting our very essence as expressive and curious beings.

We now self-censor out of fear of being canceled. 

Everyday conversations and interactions have become more commonly fragile as surface exchanges of small talk to avoid the possibility of saying something “wrong” and offending people to the point of being “canceled.”

This is affecting not only how we speak and what we talk about, but also how we think and feel.

We limit ourselves because of this fear. We are censoring ourselves.

Keeping yourself quiet when your inner-voice has real questions is restraint. Not speaking when you think or feel something is wrong is an unhealthy behavior. This is what people do when they lack confidence, inner strength, and self-esteem.

Is this what we deserve, a culture that silences us through fear?

Neglecting your values and your better judgment because you don’t want to offend, because of your fear of being judged and cast out of society. Losing your job, losing your friends, losing your family. This is not the freedom that we were taught to believe in. It is not within the belief system of our great leaders throughout history. It’s quite the opposite.

By submitting to this state of cancel culture, you’re losing a lot and it’s questionable if you’re winning anything at all for it in return. By playing it “safe,” you’re censoring your life out of fear and losing yourself in the process. You’re ultimately canceling yourself – your dreams, your values, who you really are.

When people neglect their inner voice for a prolonged amount of time, this is how the spirit dies. When you don’t allow your passion and power to live and thrive, you slowly break until you’re completely broken. This is a slow death for many, and cancel culture is creating an environment where this is “normal.”

But it shouldn’t be. It’s not normal, and it is completely unhealthy.

The longer you keep yourself quiet and comply with cancel culture, the less respect you’ll have for yourself. The less self-esteem you’ll have and you’ll be on an inevitable path to depression and anxiety. A life without passion and purpose. A life without power.

On the other side of this, if you do choose to honor your truth, to speak up when you see something wrong, or to share important information that could help others, even if it goes against the public narrative – this is a form of self-respect. This is you trusting your inner voice, your instincts that innately “know,” regardless of any potential backlash from the cancel culture mob.

It may be uncomfortable and challenging to overcome these fundamental fears, but this climate of getting ‘canceled’ has been programmed into us by our society for some time and is now an omnipresent beast, growing bigger each time we feed it with our fear and compliance. Before we completely submit and allow this to become our new truth, we must be willing to honor our inner voice and wisdom, and have the courage to confront it, even at its most uncomfortable moments.

With the right tools, you will be able to stay in your truth, connect to your passion and overcome your fears through individual strength and purpose.

My introductory e-book “Lose Your Story, Live Your Life” will give you some valuable tips on how to embrace this path forward. Your path is your power and with power comes the responsibility to share what you value. Share your truth, share your wisdom, share your love with those you love, unwavering and unfiltered with zero regard for the self-censorship of cancel culture.