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Why motivational talk is just talk

If you’re on the journey of self development and self betterment, you’ve inadvertently stumbled upon motivational and inspirational quotes like:

“You can do anything if you set your mind to it”
“You can be whoever you want to be”
“Live every day like it’s your last”

You’ll also see plenty of instructional efforts such as ‘just focus hard enough on your goals, follow a strict plan and you’ll have whatever you’re looking for in 30 days or even less.’

Why does it seem that these things work for everybody, at least on social media, but not you?

What are you doing wrong? Why are you unable to make any real changes for the better? Is there something wrong with you?

Before we dive into this topic, let’s be fully clear. There is nothing wrong with you. The only thing wrong in this context is the approach you’re choosing to get to where you want to be.

In truth, many of these common motivational tactics are not only ineffective for long-term success and fulfillment. They are downright dangerous.

If you follow any motivational speakers or if you’ve been at one of their prime events, you’ve likely experienced a quick spike in motivation and energy. They put you in a high state where you thought you really could accomplish anything you want. But this high typically lasts for a few days at most, if not hours.

After the effects of the motivation boost fade away, you’re left feeling empty and utterly alone again. Possibly feeling worse than you were prior to the ‘motivation’ because now you’ve failed to maintain the high of your quick confidence boost.

As a result, your pathological inner critic – the nagging voice inside your head looking for any way to criticize you – will now have a field day showing you all of your failures, all of your shortcomings, and why you should be ashamed for even feeling like you had a chance to do better. This can be severely damaging to your self esteem, the foundation of your inner life balance.

While the energy and speeches of most motivational speakers do sound good, they really only work for a minority of people. Those of us who are naturally high achievers and belong to the fortunate 5% of individuals capable of pushing themselves to the limit.

But for most of us, forcing ourselves to be motivated, constantly pushing for more and more, is not the path to happiness and fulfillment we’re envisioning. There has to be a different way.

And there is.

I, myself, am not what you’d call a natural born “winner.” I’m just a normal guy who wanted to feel good about myself. Find a job that fulfills me, build a loving and lasting relationship with a woman I love, and contribute to the world in some way.

But neither psychology, nor motivational speakers could offer any real solutions.

I ventured out to find something that actually worked through years of trial and error and endless study. It wasn’t until I turned completely inward that I found what worked. And still works, 15 years later.

I built the first and only proven effective system that provides real life solutions for “normal” everyday people.

To get where you want to be in life, you need a driving force. Something that propels you to do your best every day without draining you of energy. And a simple grocery list of goals and motivational quotes just won’t do it.

Because what happens if you reach one goal? You’ll just find 5 more new goals to achieve without really appreciating what you already have. It’s just the next thing, and the next and the next. Living in the future while neglecting the present.

Typical motivational coaches offer band-aid style solutions at best. You’ll get a patchwork of things that seem like a good solution at the moment, but wear off quickly after short term relief. Underneath, the emotional wound is festering, continuing to hurt, and furthering any real resolve. All the while, eating up your energy reserves and with it, your chances of  making real changes.

In other words, the need to address the root cause(s) of your issues is crucial. Otherwise, there is no chance or change or healing.

At the core of this “cure” is your self esteem.

This is why we at Feel Different specialize in core methods to build self esteem and real confidence. No quick motivation, but deep inner work that you can apply to your daily life for long term change. Real life changes.

To learn more, sign up for our program “Self Esteem for the Rest of Us.”

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The connection between Self Esteem and Your Life’s Purpose

If you feel like your life is just drifting by and nothing noteworthy is ever happening, it’s time to change something.

Living a life without purpose or without contributing something to the world will gradually and inevitably break down your self esteem.

Your self esteem and your life’s purpose are linked.

Without working toward your life’s purpose, there will always be something missing. And without healthy self esteem, your confidence and courage to go after what you really want in life will never reach its point of action.

Seems like a catch 22, doesn’t it?
It really isn’t.

By working towards one, you’re naturally working towards the other. If you’re setting out to do something that truly fulfills you, something that serves a bigger purpose outside of just your personal satisfaction, you’ll become more confident. A feeling of pride and self respect arises. At the same time, your pathological inner critic will cease to be at the forefront of your mind telling you how useless you are, how aimless your life is, etc. In turn, your daily inner dialogue will become more supportive and positive.

The fastest way to build self esteem is to work towards your life’s purpose.

To serve a greater good than just pleasing your individual self and to contribute to society as a whole.

Ultimately, we should all be aiming to leave the world (society) a greater place than when we arrived. This is metaphorical for living in your purpose and being a contributor.

The practical side of this is that it gives a bit of perspective and narrows down what the overall “goal” of life is. And by building your self esteem you’ll find that more and more positive things will find their way into your life.
You’ll connect with people who are good for you. People who are in alignment with your goals and your purpose. New opportunities and possibilities will enter your path. It’s the law of attraction where energy attracts energy. In the same way when everything is dark and negative to you internally, this becomes your reality and the people around you, the situations you find yourself in, all reflect this. It really is about your energy and what you focus on.

What if I don’t know what I want or need?

Finding your life’s purpose is not impossible. It’s part of the quest of life. And yes, there is a purpose for you. And for you alone.

We are all born with a purpose.

For some, it comes at an early age and they know it right away. This is a rare but fortunate blessing. For others, it can be a long journey of searching and trying different things which can lead to various phases, trials and tribulations. On one hand, this can be very stressful, difficult and life challenging. On the other hand, through the tenacity and resilience of working through it all, it can give great power and character so that once you’ve found your way, your devotion to it is unwavering.

Your life’s purpose will grant you the energy and mental toughness to stand strong through hard times.

It is more than just finding a good job or a pleasant hobby to keep you busy. It also does not have to be something huge and exotic. But it is most certainly something you can give and contribute that no one else can do quite like you do it.

To fully open yourself to your life’s purpose, the root is in your self esteem. This is where your foundation lies. It’s where true confidence stems from. And it’s a necessity to living a fulfilled life. One that allows you to fully embrace your life’s purpose, recognize the power in it, and devote yourself to it as the leader of your own fate.

At Feel Different we specialized in teaching how to build self esteem and confidence on a very deep and fundamental level.

If you are in a place where you know you need to make some real life changes and pull yourself out of the darkness of everyday life, we have the tools you need.

Our new program “Your fate is not sealed” will teach you what you can do to start this journey to a better, more fulfilled life. Rich with balance, confidence in yourself and deeper relationships.

Visit our program page and feel free to contact us with any questions or needs for support.

All the best,
Orlando Owen