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Why men must earn their existence

Man’s place in the world is that of a potential leader. A provider and a contributor to society. He must earn his place in society. He must carve out a path and create a life for himself and his family. Women and children do not face this same circumstantial pressure for their existence which makes men unique in this way. Without his proven ability, a man is viewed as subpar, inadequate, “under construction” – in other words, not yet a man.

The root of man’s ability to step into his life’s purpose is his inherent power, his masculinity.


For a boy to become a man, a significant transition needs to happen. An intentional event, or ritual, needs to take place that initiates the boy into manhood. At least this is how it’s supposed to happen and has happened in traditions across the world since the beginning of time.

Unfortunately, this has become lost in American culture for decades. We can look to the military or college as a few basic comparisons but neither can even remotely substitute for the intentional rites of passage for boys to become men.


As a man, in order to lead, you must be able to prove yourself and prove your strength and abilities.
This is an innate part of being a man and is directly connected to your masculinity.
This is what individualizes you and grants you the ability to become a proven leader and provider for your community and/or family. This is what being a man is.

Only a boy would expect to be respected and trusted as a “man” without first proving himself as such. Without contributing something to society. Without providing any service to the world around him. This is the state we are currently in with excessive public exposure and means to express ourselves, we are seeing a large amount of self-entitled and self-absorbed boys speaking out their delusions of expectancy regularly. This is what our high schools, colleges and universities are now breeding.

Self-entitled boys are becoming the established norm and it’s a wake up call to reclaim what we collectively identify as men and masculinity. Otherwise, we risk extinguishing masculinity as we know it and settling for subpar boys to take the place of our men which equates to zero leadership, zero progress, and a complete devolution that we have yet to experience.


As a man, it is imperative for you to claim your calling, your life’s purpose.
To create your way and to contribute to the world. This is the way it’s always been and must be in order for us to keep progressing forward. Steel sharpens steel and strong men create strong communities and families. The masculine is the force that drives change and movement throughout even the most challenging times. To deny this call would be to deny yourself as well as the world around you.


To step into your power as a man, you need to embrace your masculinity and the responsibility that comes with it. This is essential for you to find and claim your place in society, and to become truly comfortable in your skin as a man. This is what grants men respect from their peers, from men and women alike, and separates great men from the mediocre.

Any relationship struggles or feelings of emptiness or stagnance can be directly rooted in this lack of purpose. This disconnect between men and their inherent masculine power.

There is no quick fix or automatic amount of respect or love given to a man just because he is who he is. No man is given anything in this life. He must earn it.


Visit our Masculine Program today and fill out a brief assessment to see if it’s a good fit for you.

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Unlearn Your Way to Your Purpose

Independent thought is the one thing we are taught to unlearn in the current education system.

This systematic unlearning of individuality and critical thinking has been institutionalized in our schools for decades and the massive impact on our children’s lives, particularly on their mental health and self-esteem, is undeniable.

More kids than ever before are being (mis)diagnosed with ADHD, learning disorders, depression, and anxiety, and are being prescribed a number of medications for these so-called illnesses that are oftentimes, an indirect remedy for taming a child that is “out of line” with the rest of their class.

When a child speaks up, questions what they may not believe as fact, or just stands out as someone with disobedient behavior, the school system is quick to punish and will typically report this to their parents as a problem that should be tended to.

The lesson here to young people: Don’t get out of line. Don’t ask questions. Don’t act out. Curb your curiosity and inquisitiveness. Just listen and learn. Or else.

This seems to be a common theme in modern times. As we do not only see this in the education system but also regarding the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Just be “normal” and comply.
And if it doesn’t fit, force it.

This approach not only shuts down our children’s healthy curiosity and individuality. It also tells them their passion and search for their purpose, is abnormal, an illness that needs to be cured. It teaches kids that their inner fire is dangerous and needs to be contained and extinguished to prevent it from growing.

If you step out of the line, there must be something wrong with you. If you can’t concentrate or sit still like “the rest”, there is something wrong with you. If you could just be like everyone else, you’d be ok. So, it must be you who is wrong. You are the problem. And we need to fix it.

This is how a deep and fundamental fear of “not being good enough” is instilled in you, your children, and their friends. Self-doubt and a fundamental mistrust in yourself are weaved deep inside your mind and spirit.

And this is the norm. A perfect breeding ground for anxiety and low self-esteem to thrive.

These issues can become deeply embedded in us, and for many, reflect negatively throughout each aspect of our lives. The impact of how we face, or don’t face challenges in our relationships and/or in our professional lives. This lack of self-esteem and individuality can determine how much or how little we actually control our own story in this life.

If you let the system overrun your life, if you allow it to instill the thought of wrongfulness in your children, how can you have any authority over your own path? How can you truthfully honor and serve your own life’s purpose, and even more, teach your children to live theirs?

Thinking for ourselves is one of our highest fundamental powers that no institution, person, or authority should have control over. It’s an individual, human right.

Nourishing a healthy curiosity and passion for your life is vital for your mental health and the mental health of your children.

In my introductory e-book “Lose Your Story, Live Your Life” I touch upon many points that will help you to start unlearning these patterns of self-denial. You’ll find practical points of guidance that you can implement now into your daily life to begin understanding and reclaiming your own personal power, your innate passion, and your individual purpose in life.

Click here to claim your free copy now.