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Defining Feminine Power in today’s culture

Power in today’s society is often associated with masculine attributes. It is common to see many of our “powerful women” portray an image of life through a masculine lens. In a stereotypical way, much of their “power” is displayed through aggressive behaviors and actions of excess – i.e. excessive materialism, excessive sexual imagery and lewdness.

Traditionally, and with some validity, women have mostly feared that they won’t be taken seriously if they are living in their feminine energy, at least publicly. They harbor the belief that they must act tough or strong like men in order to be taken seriously by society and fellow women.

In truth, the opposite is the reality.

While masculine energy is mostly linear and extremely focused, the power of the feminine is fueled by intuition and being able to read between the lines.

Feminine power is much more subtle than its masculine counterpart but by no means less powerful. It’s just different.

Being connected and living in your feminine power as a woman means you’re connected to your intuition. This allows you to see things many people are unable to see or recognize outside of their pragmatic view.

This undeniable power of intuition is seen in mothers and caregivers who know exactly when something is not right with their kids or loved ones, even when perhaps doctors or other specialists may tell them otherwise. In a mere survival sense, this is a great power.

A woman’s intuition and emotional intelligence enable her to maneuver through difficult life situations with confidence and grace. This is feminine power.

It’s “a mother’s instinct” to care for their loved ones.

In the news and on social media, we are seeing female power in action with strong mothers standing in front of school boards defending their kids and their parental rights. These women are 100% connected to their emotions, they are fully present and willing to fight for their families.

Would you say these women are weak? Would you say they are not feminine?

And while masculine power is striving forward and is often associated with fire, feminine power is receiving and often associated with water.

In a relationship, this means working with each other and trusting one another to make the right decisions for the common bond – the relationship itself. This may mean allowing him, as the man, to lead the way while you support and share the responsibilities as his partner and advisor when needed. Conflict usually arises when both partners are too much in the same energy – in other words, both are trying to lead forward in their masculine, or they’re both leaning too deeply in their feminine role of support and nurture. Naturally, relationships are a balance of both, where feminine and masculine both step up to their respective roles and at times and lead in their own unique ways. The ideal is when both partners allow the other to flow and take lead when needed. In relationships, this is what we call chemistry.

By doing so, both partners are allowing the other to connect to their true power, be it feminine or masculine.

Due to much of the propaganda around the women’s liberation movement as well as more currently, the LGBTQ movement, many modern women and men have become uncomfortable to the point of dissociating with their inherent power.

To learn more about this and to start reclaiming your power, check out our FEMININE POWER + MASCULINE POWER Program which dives deep into both and brings a much needed clarity to our collective state of being.

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Masculine Power vs. Feminine Power

At their core, masculine power is very different from feminine power.

However, society will lead us to believe there is only one kind of power – the masculine. In a historical leadership context, this may hold truth as the majority of leaders have indeed been men. The interpretation here could be that a woman must learn to become strong like a man, or masculine, to succeed, to lead, to be taken seriously in life, and to become powerful.

The opposite is actually true. Our image of what being masculine or feminine is, has become distorted by false imagery and agenda driven propaganda to the point of mass confusion. It’s understandable that our perception is unclear as to what masculine power and feminine power is and how they differ, but this doesn’t make it acceptable.

Our stereotypical viewpoint of being feminine as a woman, for example, is associated with being submissive, timid, weak, conditioned to be nice, tame and proper.

On the contrary, the real strength of a woman lies in her feminine power which is completely disarming through grace, composure, and strong will.

A feminine woman is independent and strong, connected to her truth, relaxed in her being, and confident in her purpose.

She knows her self-worth, is unwavering in her word and follows her immutable intuition to help lead her through her life’s path.

A man that is connected to his masculine power has a strong sense of his reality, stands behind his principles, and has a clear purpose in life.

He knows his path and will follow his purpose, with or without a crowd to support him. He is a true alpha. A leader of his own destiny.

A domineering man, on the other hand, is almost the exact opposite of a true alpha. He is insecure and disconnected from his true source of power, therefore he needs a crowd of others around him for constant support, ego boosts, and he typically insults others to feel superior. This energy is destructive and in no way reflects authentic masculine power.

One way to test and measure the levels of authentic masculine power and feminine power is to observe one’s romantic relationship. If the woman plays more of the dominant role in the relationship, there is a good chance of imbalance whereas she is stripping her man of his masculine power, thus leading him to be the submissive one in the relationship. The roles are reversed in terms of a traditional dynamic where the man is generally the dominant and the woman is the submissive.

The same applies for men who give away all of their power in their relationship. If the man is constantly trying to appease his woman, putting her and her needs above his own, and making her the center of his entire life, he’s living in a codependent energy. He’s playing the feminine which puts her in position to lead as the masculine energy in the relationship.

To be clear about the above examples, there is naturally a varying balance between both. It’s rare in any substantial relationship where one completely dominates and the other completely submits in every aspect of their relationship. The examples are to help differentiate between true masculine power and authentic feminine power.

In conclusion, no one in either scenario is connected to their own inherent power, masculine or feminine. Relationships like these are operating from an unnatural root and most commonly fail and destruct quickly, or only sustain to become codependent or abusive.

If you want to connect to your personal power and live in your greater purpose – men, you must learn to connect to your masculine energy – and women, you must learn to connect to your feminine energy. It’s inherent and it’s imperative.


Learn to embrace it, nurture, and share it with your loved ones and the world around you. Start living life as your true, authentic self.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs on Masculine Power and Feminine Power. Email [email protected] and type “Masculine Power” and/or “Feminine Power” in the subject line.